I have such sights to show you.

So great to see them altogether! That being, Maestro horror novelist Clive Barker and his creations, and all the original Hellraiser cenobites along with protagonist Kristy (Ashley Laurence). I really don’t have the words just how much this film means to me. Hellraiser was like no other horror film of its day. It explored the darker aspects of human nature and pushed and expanded the boundaries of the genre. It introduced monsters (Cenobites) who were intelligent beings with their own codes and motivations.

Included is a photo of me with Clive at a book signing many moons ago. My fan boy was not very well contained if I recall. There was a small turnout, so I managed to talk to him for a while. We chatted about my love of his book, Weaveworld and he mentioned that Toronto’s own David Cronenberg was looking at making a mini-series of it. What ever happened to that? It would have been brilliant!

A bonus photo here is me and the Hellraiser box (The Lament Configuration) to summon the cenobites. Yes, COVID was so bad at times, that I pulled out the box to look for an escape. Even hooks ripping my flesh was a better option than watching Trump fumble during that hellsscape.

Author: smite

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