This might very well be the smartest, most cohernet and funniest interview I’ve ever seen. John Cleese is as brilliant as ever.
Maher and Cleese were in the middle of a heated debate about how people in a society need to establish “rituals” for getting along or else the entire social order could implode.
After a copious amount of tequila was consumed, the topic was raised. Cleese asserted that the reason British people drink so much is because it is the only way to combat the stifling politeness that permeates our society.
Laughter can transport people “to a more positive part of their mind.” It seems that if a civil war breaks out in America, we should all get ready by stockpiling “Monty Python” movies for our survival gear. Although the last paragraph seems a little sarcastic, this is what I truly mean.
“He who laughs most, learns best” – John Cleese.