I’m not known for my patience. However, after numerous moments of wanting to throw this printer across the room in frustration, I have it now properly calibrated and I am now getting consistently good prints. Nothing too complex yet but I’m getting there. I also managed to get the printer all networked up this morning as a bonus. Argh! I wasn’t too happy about printing a cat. I don’t much like cats!

I had to go through some growing pains first though. ARGH! Apparently the skulls are underneath. I accidently printed with full supports turned on. I’m supposed to be able to remove these supports with pliers. However, I messed up again by printing too high a density for the supports making them impossible to remove.

More misadventures. Shit! It was supposed to be a dosing cup for my espresso portafilter. I forgot the first rule in 3D printing. Always watch the first layer.
“If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat.”
— Robert A. Heinlein
Inexplicably, despite avowed revulsion, some make pocket-sized idols of them — especially the black ones. Like licorice.