With all the extreme weather alerts we’ve had, natural ice sculptures have started to form all over Ontario. From ice formations formed over rocks that look like jellyfish to trees covered in ice at a national park, there are a ton of these natural creations to see.
For one man in Ontario, he woke up to a bit of a terrifying surprise as he found an ice formation that looks like the Grim Reaper outside of his home.
On Feb. 28, 2020, Ben Tucci took a trip up to his cottage in Dunnville to check it out before demolition started and noticed something while walking towards the lakeside of the property.
As he grew closer, he was in awe, not believing what he was seeing. Massive ice sculptures had formed on his neighbour’s lamp posts, creating figures that resembled the Grim Reaper and a woman.
“My immediate reaction of the dejected-looking figure was of an eerie looking woman or a sea hag of sorts, leaving the property almost as if to be walking away from Jack Frost,” says Tucci about the figure.