
Smith in Oz graphic

“Oh lord, don’t let me be misunderstood”

-Eric Burdon

I’d be lying if I said Rockhampton was a happening place.  There is nothing in my journals about it expect for a quick blurb that the YHA Hostel was cool.  I needed to dump some pictures. It was just a quick overnight stay to regroup.  I went to some bowling alley to find Internet access. In all fairness to Rockhapmtom I think it was me that was “not happening”.

It had been a very long day of driving when I arrived. I do remember someone offering me some “piss” and I got quite scared until I realized it meant an ice-cold beer. Damn, Aussie slang! I was no closer to understanding the slang after 3 months as I was when I first started this adventure. Most of the time I would just grin and say “eh”