Category: Cinema
Restoring Dracula (1931)
The 1931 film Dracula, directed by Tod Browning and starring Bela Lugosi as the iconic…
Guillermo del Toro on David Lynch
“He really has the two things – the weirdest mind, and the most wholesome mind.”…
Top 10 horror films of 2024
Oh man! What a great year for horror films. I could have created a top…
Halloween in the hood
Toronto is the horror capital of Canada! It has hosted some the first and biggest…
Monkey Brain Cake Tutorial
For those that remember the dinner scene in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom….
The World-Famous Frankenstein & Bier Keller
OMFG! I found my bar and it did not disappoint. It was extremely hard to…
Deutsche Kinemathek
Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen Berlin is fascinating, not only for film…
Long live the new flesh!
Tickets purchased! I can’t wait to see what another Cronenberg offspring does. In this case…
I have such sights to show you.
So great to see them altogether! That being, Maestro horror novelist Clive Barker and his…
Lunch with Guillermo Del Toro
I was having dinner with my wife at the Korean Grill House last year when… Yep,…